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S I M P L E   T H I N G S

Goal Achievement is Inherent to Rulership

© Copyright. Simple Things. Mark E. Holmes

Author: Mark E. Holmes


To achieve any goal a certain degree of each of these fundamental elements must be realized.  These fundamental elements are:  desire (the want), discipline (the skilled and trained use of resources), and determination (the unfailing will to continue).  After the fundamental elements have been obtained, entering into the physical process of reaching the goal is what I call the PRESS.  The PRESS is the process whereby the seeker of the goal experiences resistance.  It is the place where the value of the goal is determined to be worth the effort.  It is the place where the fundamental elements of goal achievement are reconsidered, strengthened, weakened, or abandoned.


There are three areas in the PRESS that should be understood.  First is the entrance or the "upside".  The "upside" is usually characterized by a high level of enthusiasm.  Enthusiasm only, is rarely able to get the goal seeker through the PRESS unless the goal is quickly and/or easily obtained.  The second area of the PRESS is the "calm".  The "calm" is characterized by the seeming lack of progress and boredom of the task.  Many lose focus on the goal at this point.  They may be drawn away, distracted by, or attracted to more pleasurable objectives.  The third area of the PRESS is the "exit" or "downside".  The "downside" of the PRESS is characterized by the deception that says the striving and forging ahead to actually obtain the goal is over.  The "downside" can give the goal seeker the illusion that resistance is no longer a problem.  The "downside" may cause him to think he is no longer in the PRESS abandoning the fundamental elements of goal achievement.


The Ruler must know that goal achievement is an inherent part of rulership.  The Ruler must also understand how goals are achieved and the pitfalls that lead to failure.

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