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Government vs. Religion
© Copyright. Simple Things. Mark E. Holmes
Author: Mark E. Holmes
In observing the relationship between government and religion, the following is evident:
There is no world government which will allow a religion to practice freely its thoughts when those thoughts are in conflict with the thoughts of the government. In other words, if a religion is practicing its thoughts without conflict with the government, that religion has approval of the government.
The religion that is in conflict with the thoughts of the government will be forced by the government to practice its thoughts in secret.
Governments in greater or lesser degrees regulate religion through laws.
Each government allows space for religion in the society.
One government will not allow another government to practice its thoughts without conflict within the same space.
One religion will not allow another religion to practice its thoughts without conflict within the same space.
One government will not allow another religion to practice its thoughts without conflict within the same space.
One religion will not allow another government to practice its thoughts without conflict within the same space.
Government is a religion and religion is a government.
Conclusion: There appears to be a hand in hand relationship that exists between government and religion.